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Search Criteria (Business Category: Breads) Results: 4

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Bake Crafters Food Company
10673 S. Lee Hwy
McDonald, TN 37353  
Bake Crafters Food Company is a full service bakery. We have making delicious school focused items for over 30 years. We have over 200 whole grain products, bulk and IW, thaw and serve and heat and serve. We have thaw and serve lunch sandwiches and heat and serve breakfast and lunch sandwiches.

Our brokers are:
Food4Kids in Northern California 661-399-9182
Long Legacy in Southern California. Chris Long 909-573-6321
Paul Gosiger - Bake Crafters 513-673-0262
Just Solutions by Pollock, Inc.
937 S. Peregrine Place
Anaheim, CA 92806  
Southern California Food Broker specializing in the school, health care & food service markets.
J. Lord Food Sales
22345 La Palma Ave, Ste. 108
Yorba Linda, CA 92887  
Peterson Farms Fresh, LLC
3580 Ballantyne Dr.
Pleasanton, CA 94588  
Shannon's Imperial is The School Bread Company. We specialize in fresh frozen bread products. Many which are clean label products. (shelf stable for 7-10 days) We have IW dinner rolls and IW cinnamon rolls, cinnamon and apple filled breakfast items. (Shelf stable 5-7 days)

Shannon's is a California owned and operated family owned business for over 27 years in School Foodservice.

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California School Nutrition Association
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