Legislative Action Conference

Note: Kit Funding CAN be used to pay for this conference!

Register: On-line

First time attendee - LAC Scholarship Application Deadline 2/1/2025

LAC Agenda (see below)
April 6-8, 2025

Hyatt Regency Sacramento
1209 L Street
Sacramento, California, USA, 95814
(916) 443-1234

Conference Hotel Rate - Single/Double $239 night + tax
Book online

Come to Sacramento and meet with California's top leaders to ensure we preserve adequate funding for Child Nutrition.

CSNA has become a powerful voice in Sacramento. Building effective alliances with other organizations that share our vision and maintaining a credible presence with elected officials is fundamental to the success of Child Nutrition Programs. CSNA has made great strides in advancing Child Nutrition Program issues at the state legislative level. In this time of budget crisis and ever changing political landscapes, we need to work together to make sure the funding we have fought for is not cut.

The members of the California School Nutrition Association Public Policy and Legislative Committee cordially invite you to attend the annual state Legislative Action Conference. This year's conference will be held April 06-08, at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento. The committee is in the process of constructing an exciting program packed with informative speakers, great food, and visits with your legislators.

The conference will open at 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 6th, and will conclude on Tuesday, with scheduled legislative visits.

The PP&L Committee is working hard to construct a memorable conference. As a child nutrition professional, your voice is critical in shaping public policy. Don't miss this extraordinary event.

Registration Fees:

Early Bird
(on or before 02/23/2025
(After 02/23/2025)
Late/At Door
(After 03/28/2025)
CSNA Regular Members$299$349$399
CSNA-Industry Members and
Non-CSNA Regular members
Non-CSNA Industry members$399$449$499

Register On-line -


Sunday, April 6th

12:30 pmRegistration
1:00 pmOpening and Welcome
1:15 pmTips for Successful Advocacy
1:45 pmBudget, Legislation and Political Update
2:30 pmCSNA's Role in the Legislative Process
2:45 pmBreak
3:00 pmCSNA White Paper Discussion
3:45 pmCSNA Mentor/Mentee Program Update
4:00 pmChapter Meetings to Review Appointments and Teams
5:30 pmAdjourn

Monday, April 7th

9:00 amDiscussion on Governor's Executive Order lead by CDE
10:00 amCDSS Update
10:30 amBreak
10:45 amCDFA Update
11:15 amPanel Discussion - Navigating the political landscape within the state (ACSA, CSBA & CASBO and Industry)
12:15 pmLunch (included in LAC registration)
1:15 pmPanel Discussion - Engaging your district in serving the whole child
2:15 pmGuest Speaker
2:45 pmBreak
3:00 pmPanel Discussion - Strategic Partners Panel Discussion
4:00 pmFinal Review of the Position Paper & Motivational Gear Up to Advocate
4:30 pmChapter Meetings to Review Appointments and Teams
5:00 pmAdjourn

Tuesday, April 8th

8:00 amQuestions and Answers
9:00 am - 4:00 pmLegislator Visits
California School Nutrition Association
PO Box 11376, Burbank, California 91510
Phone: (818) 842-3040 | Fax: (818) 843-7423
President's Party Sponsors:
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