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Individual Foodservice (IFS), now part of BradyIFS nationwide, is the premiere CA distribution company, specializing in disposable items, jansan, chemicals, smallwares and dry goods food items. We have been servicing schools since 1926 and excel at competitive pric ing and exemplary customer service.
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> Local Wellness Policy Fundamentals
> CSNA's Nutrition Standards Document and Rational.
> Additional Nutrition Standards Matrix
> Approaching Principals
> Good Food and Play Make a Balanced Day
> Local Wellness Policy Fundamentals
> CSNA's Nutrition Standards Document and Rational.
> Additional Nutrition Standards Matrix
> Approaching Principals
> Good Food and Play Make a Balanced Day
Upcoming CSNA Events
April 6-8, 2025Legislative Action Conference
May 4-6, 2025
Child Nutrition & Industry Summit