Annual Conference
CSNA Annual Conference Workshops
Plan now on attending one of the exciting pre-conference workshops designed to stimulate your mind and get you energized for the 67th Annual Conference. There will be several pre-conference workshops this year that will help you reach your goals whether they be to become a certified School Nutrition Association member, learn some tricks on how to survive the budget dilemmas that are facing your districts, or take back creative ideas on how to increase your profits and participation in your programs. Sign-up now and start your way to a successful year!Thursday, November 7th, 2019
Ontario Tour
9am - 3:30pm (Meet by 8:45am Bus leaves promptly at 9am)Round the world and home again, that's the sailor's way. There's no earthly way of knowing which direction we are going. A number of golden tickets have been set aside for deserving school nutrition professionals.
Lucky passengers will board the Wonkatonia just outside the gates of Wonka's Chocolate Factory, only the worthy will notice this enigmatical factory secretly nestled inside the Ontario Convention Center. The journey begins at 8:30 as we drift along the Chocolate River. The first stop is Galasso's Bakery. Here, guests will learn the secrets of producing historically wholesome whole grain gourmets fit for our successful smiling students.
Keep up as the tour progresses, and don't wander. And please keep your arms and other body parts inside the moving vehicle. The Wonkatonia will sail us next to a forest of gleefully growing delights which is ours to explore. Fancy Farmer Bob has pleasantly prepared his favorite family farm for guests of our caliber. Candy cane trees and lollipop bushes are sure to be found. Enjoy a luscious lunch, everlasting gobstoppers and fizzy lifting drinks with the crew.
Be cautious of Sneaky Slugworth. Spies are around every corner and maybe among the trees. And that's not good. On this magical journey, deserving participants may encounter break out performances by Oompa-Loompas or the Whimsical Wonka.
Sign up now and don't miss out.
Willy Wonka: But Charlie, don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted.
Charlie Bucket: What happened?
Willy Wonka: He lived happily ever after.
Cost $60 members/non-members
Cashier Training, Cafeteria as a Classroom, & Mock Health Inspection Workshop
8:30am to 5pm- Cashier's Training: 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- Utilizing the Cafeteria: 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Topics: Reaching Out to the School Community, Communicating with Parents - Mock Health Inspection: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
While fine tuning your skills on offer vs. serve you will explore resources to bring an education piece to your cafeteria so that learning does not stop at the classroom but extends into the kitchen.
To top off the day we will be tackling the dreaded health inspection with an interactive, activity-based training focusing on how to prepare for your health inspection. You will learn how to do self-inspections to enhance the effectiveness of food safety management programs. Participants will be able to identify risk-based food safety practices and conduct a risk-based inspection to provide the confidence to serve the safest possible food for your kids.
Cost $35 members $50 non-members includes box lunch
CDE State Day: Full Day Session
8:30am – 5pmDo you have your Golden Ticket? Join the California Department of Education Nutrition Services team for a private tour of all four areas of Resource Management: Cafeteria Fund Maintenance, Non-Program Candy Foods, Paid Lunch Equity and Indirect Costs. Your journey will be full of little surprises around every corner. Come learn if that flying glass elevator is an allowable cost to the cafeteria fund, and if you must include all those pounds of chocolate in you non-program food calculation. Just remember, no messing about, no touching, no tasting, and no telling!
Cost $35 members/non-members includes box lunch
SNS Exam
12:30pm - 5pm Register with SNA.Find Out More!
(Check in by 12:30, exam begins at 1pm.)
Click here to download the SNS Credentialing Handbook with complete details and application. Must be completed and sent to SNA no later than Thursday October 19th.
$225 for members; $325 for non-members
Saturday, November 9th, 2019

Upcoming CSNA Events
April 6-8, 2025Legislative Action Conference
May 4-6, 2025
Child Nutrition & Industry Summit
October 29-November 1, 2025
73rd Annual Conference