Annual Conference
66th Annual Keynote Speakers
1st Session:

Friday, November 9, 2018: 3:15p.m. - 5:00p.m.
Though Matt has been called many things, his favorite titles are Dad/Daddy to five amazing adult children, and Grandpa to Rudy Felix “RJ”, Carmen Alicia, and Ezekiel Noah. He enjoys preparing and serving friends and family meals, riding his Yamaha 2016 Stratoliner in search of “Wind Therapy”, and his favorite cookie is Chocolate Chip no nuts.
He believes that the power of change in a Students life happens one Serve at a time from LG’s (Lunch Guys and Girls). This is why he spends most of his time helping LG’s Discover their own unique blend of success. Part of Matt’s philanthropy work includes “Soles of Success”. His goal is to give away 101,058 pairs of new shoes to children and students in need, by his 85th birthday. Matt shares the “1010” vision at every opportunity and collaborates with Big Hearted people who have chosen to come alongside him to provide “101.058 Soles of Success” for children and students through out the United States and World.
2nd Session:

Saturday, November 10, 2018: 4:00p.m. - 5:30p.m.
This is the time for us, Muggels, to Raise the Bar on Customer Service for Kids. There are certain aspects of life we will never be able to control, but we can master our own choices and teach our students to do the same.
You’ll learn every time a student comes in contact with YOU, or your team, it’s an opportunity to Create Value and Create Magical Experiences. You’ll learn to Promote a Happy, Safe, and Enjoyable School Lunch Experience for all Students and Staff so they make Healthy Food Choices and create enjoyable Lunch Experiences that translate into Enjoyable SCHOOL Experiences.
Maureen G. Mulvaney, MGM, presents Practical, ‘REAL World’, Solutions delivered in an entertaining and engaging manner. MGM is the #1 Rated School Nutrition Professional Speaker because she is the most PASSIONATE Speaker on the Topic of School Nutrition on the planet. She Celebrates The Magic of School Nutrition, daily! You will laugh as you learn how to ‘Raise the Bar’ to create Magical Customer Service for Kids who will CHOOSE THE PLATE!
3rd Session:

Sunday, November 11, 2018: 10:30a.m. - 12:30p.m.
Upon graduation from Santa Barbara City College and Humboldt State University in 2006, Herbie began his career in the San Marcos Unified School District. In his role as Supervisor of Nutrition Education and Marketing, Herbie worked to implement the Wellness Policy and guide nutrition education across the district.
In January 2014, Herbie was appointed Executive Director of the San Marcos Promise, a non-profit partner of the San Marcos Unified School District. In this role he would be responsible for establishing a new non-profit organization and guiding a Board of Directors to create scholarship avenues and systems of support allowing students to explore careers in K-12 classrooms. Serving in multiple roles throughout the district has allowed Herbie to understand the unique challenges for students as they approach graduation and enter the “real world.” As a first generation college student, Herbie’s goal is to inspire students to look beyond college and career to visualize the impact they would like to make on the world.

Upcoming CSNA Events
April 6-8, 2025Legislative Action Conference
May 4-6, 2025
Child Nutrition & Industry Summit
October 29-November 1, 2025
73rd Annual Conference