Annual Conference
64th Annual Keynote Speakers
1st Session:

Friday, November 11, 2016: 3:15p.m. – 5:00p.m.
On August 2, 2012, Kayla Harrison became the first American in history to capture an Olympic Gold Medal in the sport of Judo. In doing so, she made history for her country and her sport. As an individual, she climbed a personal peak that only a few years prior seemed insurmountable. At the age of 16, Kayla revealed that for years she had been sexually abused by her judo coach. Her revelation turned her world upside down. Kayla pressed charges and a federal criminal prosecution followed. Kayla moved from her home and family in Ohio to Massachusetts to live and train with Jimmy Pedro and his father "Big Jim." They became her coaches and surrogate family. As a teenager, Kayla was made to rebuild her life in a new place, surrounded by new people. Her Olympic Gold Medal represents the height of her athletic accomplishments, but doesn't begin to tell Kayla's story of personal triumph.
Kayla's messages of belief in oneself, perseverance amidst obstacles, setting and reaching goals and peak performance have captivated audiences from community groups, to high schools and colleges, to women's groups to Fortune 500 companies.
Kayla is an especially sought after motivational speaker on overcoming adversity and her story is proof that with the right help, anything is possible.
2nd Session:

Saturday, November 23, 2016: 4:00p.m. – 5:30p.m.
Jeff Joiner combines his experience as a college professor, professional speaker, and foodservice consultant to provide relevant, useful seminars throughout our industry.
Jeff worked for the Campbell Soup Company for 10 years, where he was awarded Campbell's prestegious Merit Award for Excellence three times. This is when he first started working with school foodservice groups.
Jeff spent 5 years with Advantage Waypoint, a sales and consulting company specializing in helping companies in the foodservice industry succeed.
Jeff now runs his own company, specializing in helping school districts reach their goals. He has worked with school districts and SNA organizations in 25 states, helping them improve their teams and workplaces.
3rd Session:

A Recipe to Serve Students
Sunday, November 13, 2016: 10:30a.m. – 12:30p.m.
During the Keynote we will unveil a six ingredient recipt of how to serve students.

Upcoming CSNA Events
April 6-8, 2025Legislative Action Conference
May 4-6, 2025
Child Nutrition & Industry Summit
October 29-November 1, 2025
73rd Annual Conference